Tuesday, April 23, 2013


   People that live in Minnesota are hearty souls.  We can endure snow for six out of twelve months of the year, thirty below zero temperatures with wind chills that dip to sixty below and day after day of gray cloudy skies with serious bouts of cabin fever. But what we can’t tolerate is our spring being hijacked. And that is exactly what has happened this year. 
   Today is April 23, 2013 and normally crocuses, hyacinths, and snow drops are blooming in my yard.

The weather should be sunny and slightly warm.  The Christmas tree frozen in the lake should have sunk to the bottom a month ago, with the lucky winner paid for correctly predicting the date of its sinking. The lilacs should be leafing out, and I should be thinking about uncovering my roses and dragging out the hose to wash the deck and lawn furniture off.  Swimming pools in the area are normally scheduled to be opening in a week.
   But not this year! There are no flowers, no sun, no warm weather, no budding lilacs and that Christmas tree is still firmly frozen in that still frozen lake. 

And it is snowing AGAIN.  This is my yard. 

My recent e-mails are flooded with reminders that Spring is late in coming this season.

And worst of all, I get this message from my exercise guru. “No spa tomorrow due to major snow issues!”

My friends have resorted to taking silly pictures and I’m waxing poetic.



  1. Oh no! I had to giggle a little. At least you have a sense of humor about the snow. It looks really beautiful but I do agree, it's time for us to enjoy true spring weather. I'm in IL and, though we don't have snow, we certainly haven't enjoy many warm sunny days either.

  2. OMGoodness. You certainly are hearty souls. Hope it starts to warm up soon..Happy Wednesday..Judy

  3. Thanks, Judy. It has already started to warm up. The sun is shining, the temp is 50 degrees, and the snow is melting. Oh happy day!
