Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Northwood Glass Works: Unique Colors and Designs

   The Northwood Glass Works began its glass manufacturing operations in January 1888. The factory had previously housed several other glass factories that had decided to move to other locations.  Some minor changes and redecorating was all the plant needed to begin production.  Harry Northwood was named General Manager. Harry learned his trade by working in some of the largest and best glass factories. In 1882, Harry worked in the etching department of Hobbs, Brockunier and Company and his work won three first ribbons at the State Fair.  By January 1884, Harry was working at the La Belle Glass Company but in 1884, La Belle Glass Company closed due to flooding, it was still not open in April of 1885.  Most likely Harry went to work at the Phoenix Glass Company where the company excelled to making colored pitchers, table sets, berry sets and a wide array of glassware. By January, 1886, Harry became General Manager for La Belle Glass. A fire on September 27, 1887 destroyed the La Belle Glass Company but Harry Northwood had mastered the glass manufacturing trade and he decided to open his own glass factory, the Northwood Glass Works.
Northwood Glass Factory