Saturday, March 24, 2018

Happy Easter to You!

Milk glass doesn’t just refer to the milk you use to drink from your glass. The term is often used by collectors referring to a special white opaque type of glass. To Victorian's it became an inexpensive alternative to porcelain tableware. Milk glass has been in production for centuries but before 1900, milk glass was called opal glass by the glass manufacturing companies. It wasn’t until after the 1900’s that the general public started using the term milk glass. 

The old trade catalogues from that time show a huge variety of objects often called novelty pieces. These included, dresser sets, pin trays, salt and pepper shakers, souvenir pieces, nesting chickens, hand painted Easter eggs and just about every kind of whimsy imaginable. 

Glass manufacturers achieved the white color by adding tin oxide, feldspar, bone ash, and other additives to their glass formula.  Antique milk glass has a transparency to it when held up to the light. The old time antique collectors called this fire because you can see blue, red, yellow and orange color through the glass. This glass making process has changed through the years with the addition of different chemicals. The newer milk glass, manufactured from 1950’s to present is a denser opaque color and  a thicker glass. If you are looking for an antique piece of milk glass just hold the piece up to the bright sunlight and watch the fire dance.

Why not start collecting some antique milk glass Easter eggs and decorating your home for Easter. Reuzeit Emporium has many antique milk glass Easter eggs to choose from and also Lefton ducks, chicks and bunnies to add interest and variety to your arrangements.
                           Happy Easter to you!

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