Razors have been around since before the Bronze Age. In
prehistoric times, cave drawings depict blades made of clam shells, shark teeth
and flint. During the Bronze Age razors were made from bronze and obsidian.
Egyptian priests were shaved every three days and the Greeks and Romans were
fastidious about the proper care of facial hair. Through the ages, the razor
has gone through many changes. The first modern-day straight

edge razors, with
harden steel blades, were made in the 1700s in England. Since then, straight edged
razors have evolved. The discovery of silver-steel in the 1820s made the metal
used to make the blade of the razor look shiny and by 1840 it had replaced cast
steel. Not long after, hollow grinding blades made an appearance, hollow
grinding means that the sides of the blades cross-section are concave.
Companies began making straight-edge razors with hard steel blades and
decorated handles making them fashionable for the wealthy. By 1840, the term
'Old English' and The Celebrated Razor were often used. Sometimes the wedge
blade was etched with a beautiful design or picture that commemorated a special
event. Carves bone and horn, along with bakelite were often used for the handles.
Soon barber shops were opening up and became very popular in the
1880s. During this time, the barber shop was a place for men to gather,
socialize and be pampered. Barber shops were luxurious places with marble,
carved wood ornamentation, chandeliers, and fine leather barber chairs. A shave
at the barber shop was often an established part of a man's daily routine. From
1880 to the 1920s straight-edged razors was improved and hollow ground blades
were offered in depths from three-eighths of an inch to a full one inch. The
hollow ground five-eight blade is the most popular.
The blade of a straight-edged
razor acts like a scoop allowing the lather to be carried along so that you
don't have to rinse the blade so often. But the practice of shaving each day
did not really take hold until WWI, when military men were required to shave
each day so their gas masks would fit properly.
These straight-edge razors began to fall out of fashion when King
C. Gillette started to mass produce safety razors. Straight -edge razors were
thought of as a once in a lifetime purchase, often expensive, needing constant
care and attention to keep them sharp. Fathers evenhanded down their
straight-edge razor sets to their sons. Gillette needed to change the
consumer's opinion about throwing the razor blades away that were in his safety
razor. This new razor provided a faster less painful shave. Gillette's
inventive idea was to sell the safety razor at a loss, but gain repeat sales on
the one-use replacement blades, and there-by earning a higher sales margin.Gillette's
inventive idea was to sell the safety razor at a loss, but gain repeat sales on
the one-use replacement blades, and there-by earning a higher sales margin.
With great advertising campaign slogans and a low initial investment, Gillette's
safety razor soon started to out sell the straight-edge razor, and more men
began shaving themselves at home. In the 1960s reusable stainless steel blades
became available, for the safety razors, reducing the cost of shaving even
more. By 1976 Gillette plastic disposable razors entered the marketplace. Today
cheap plastic razors and blades are used and discarded contributing daily to
the pollution of our environment.
Shaving is a rite of passage for many young teenage males maturing
into men. Whether a straight-edge razor or a safety razor, antique razors are
making a comeback. A movement is on the rise with the younger generation of
males, this generation is embracing the old traditions and shaving styles of
their grandfathers by bringing back the razors of the past. There are many
reasons for this return to the basics in shaving. Using a straight-edged razor
or safety razors does not irritate the skin like the plastic disposable
multi-blade razors can and they handle the toughest facial hair while providing
a superior smoother, closer shave. While the initial investment may be high on
these razors, it is an investment that pays for itself. Once the technique is
acquired the investment in a straight-edged or safety razor will last a
lifetime and the shave it provides is the closest cleanest shave ever. With
very little training, skill, and knowledge, you will end up saving 50-70
dollars a year, by not using disposables. Not to mention the greener aspect of
adding less garbage to our landfills. Also, why not display your beautiful shaving
tools, with a sense of pride. Are you ready to join the shaving revolution? A
onetime investment in a straight-edged razor can provide you with shaving
nirvana for the rest of your life.
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